Here are some reasons why you might not be able to find your address with Addressfinder:
New Subdivisions
Addressfinder uses multiple sources of address data, and each of these sources have their own update timetables. The Addressfinder dataset is rebuilt monthly, and uses the most recent data from these sources each time.
So for new subdivisions and other new developments their address availability in Addressfinder will depend; first on when their information is added to the data sources we use and, second on when the next Addressfinder update is due.
Units, Apartments, Levels and Building Numbers
Addresses often have units, apartment numbers, building levels, building names or numbers.
However for many reasons these may not be part of the "official" address, so try searching for your address without these parts, starting with the street number i.e. "186 Willis….", if you get a match then your 'base' address is available Addressfinder.
Wrong Suburb
Sometimes addresses near suburb boundaries have conflicting suburbs when we compare the various data sources used by Addressfinder. In these circumstances we follow the NZ Post address source if that exists. If your address is not showing in Addressfinder and you are near a suburb boundary, check to see if your street's address exists but with a neighbouring suburb.
Grey Addresses
There are addresses in New Zealand that have been in use and 'accepted' for a long time, but actually do not appear in any of the data sources used by Addressfinder. These addresses often occur with subdivided addresses or houses, corner addresses (where there could be two possible addresses), joined up property titles and so on - we call these Grey Addresses.
Rural Addresses
Rural addresses do not always have a Rural Delivery postal address. If you are in a rural area search first for your physical address e.g. "472 Rural Road…".
Missing Address
If the above does not shed any light on why you can't find your address, please submit your address using the link below. We'll endeavor to get to look into it within 5 working days.