“AddressFinder is up-to-date. It gives us confidence that an address actually exists”
Popular and successful catalogue marketing business Penny Miller uses AddressFinder to save time and money.
The best way to find exact addresses in New Zealand
Popular and successful catalogue marketing business Penny Miller uses AddressFinder to save time and money.
As you will know, we complete our database updates quarterly, in line with data releases from LINZ and NZ Post.
AddressFinder are a Ruby on Rails team. We’ve been heading to Australia for Ruby Conferences so we’re excited to have Kiwi Ruby in New Zealand!
HTTP/2 delivers a significant performance improvement for AddressFinder customers.
Announcing a new library for Ruby or Rails applications that enables easy access to our services.
AddressFinder's services continued without interruption during the Sydney Storm event during June 2016.
1000 address lookups every month suits Online Superstore Millin. They’re giving their customers a quick checkout experience via AddressFinder’s free plan.
“Every second counts in the checkout. AddressFinder gets better conversions and it gets better customer data” Liam Blackwell from EXCEED ecommerce.