Phone verification enable all countries
International PhoneThis widget has been configured to collect an international phone number and not restrict verification to any specific countries.
See the Pen Phone verification enable all countries by Addressfinder (@addressfinder) on CodePen.
Related code examples
Limiting phone validation to specific countries - This widget has been configured to only allow phone numbers form a select number of countries and all others will be rejected.#International #Phone
Phone Verification using 'Country Select' functionality - This widget watches a country select field and applies the two digit ISO code of the selected country to the phone verification query. This supports successful validation by allowing users to provide either a nationalised or internationalised phone number.#International #Phone
American address autocomplete - This example demonstrates searching for an address within the USA.#International
American address autocomplete with state selector - Demonstrates how the widget can update a select element containing all the American states.#International #State
Canadian Map Demo - Search for a Canadian address and display the position on a map. Use the GPS coordinates that are returned with our address metadata.#International #Maps #Open Street Map